Get the 8th Shattered Kingdom Novel for free!
A hundred years after the second Dragon War, huntress Tullay is trying to survive in the former salt desert of Phornes when she comes across a predator from her nightmares. A Fae. And not just any Fae: A dark, brooding warrior whose power is as intimidating as it is exciting. When Gordan discovers her secret, Tullay realizes she needs him almost as much as she fears him.
Fatespun is a standalone fantasy romance sequel to the award-winning Shattered Kingdom series by Angelina J. Steffort.
Empire of Dust
THE SHATTERED KINGDOM ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK IS HERE!Austrian singer and songwriter The Ghost And The Machine wrote this amazing song, inspired by Nehelon, for the Shattered Kingdom series.

The Shattered Kingdom Hardcover Edition is here!
Available on Amazon, B&N, IndieBound, Target, and all major outlets.
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Shattered Kingdom Art Contest 2021
Tacia Soares wins Shattered Kingdom art contest.

Explore the Map of Neredyn

Character Art
Illustrations by Maria Stankovic

Illustrations by Steffani Christensen


Gandrett & Nehelon at the Solstice in Ackwood

Gandrett & Nehelon on the Ship to the Lost Mountains
Character Art
Illustrations by Marko Stankovic

Ackpenesor: Ack-peh-neh-sor
Ackwood: Ack-wood
Alencourt: Ah-len-court
Bothenia: Bo-thee-nee-ah
Calma: Cahl-ma
Ilaton: Ee-lah-tonn
Ithrylan: Ee-thry-lahn
Eedpenesor: Eed-peh-neh-sor
Eedwood: Eed-wood
Everrun: Eh-ver-run
Ilbroit: Ill-broit
Khila: Khee-lah
Lapidos: Lah-pee-dos
Lei’Brata: Lay-Brah-tah
Lei’Vreah: Lay-Vree-ah
Maraoul: Mah-rah-ool
Nisea: Nee-see-ah
Neredyn: Neh-Reh-dyn
Penesor: Peh-neh-sor
Phornes: Forns
Sives: Sighves (ryhmes with knives)
Ulfray: Ull-fray
Demea: Dee-mee-ah
Galloris: Gal-lo-ris
Hel: Hel
Nyssa: Nys-sah
Shaelak: Shae-luck
Shygon: Shee-gon
Vala: Vah-lah
The Noble Houses of Neredyn
Aphapia: A-pha-pee-ah
Aucrosta: Au-cross-tah
Brenheran: Bren-her-ran
Denderlain: Den-der-lane (rhymes with slain)
Dumcon: Dum-con (/dʊmkɒn/)
Grenta: Gren-tah
Idresea: I-dree-see-ah
Saza Brina: Sah-za Bree-nah
Stesea: Ste-see-ah
Character Names
Adrienne: A-dree-yen
Alverys: Uhl-veh-rys
Armand: Ar-mo’
Brax: Brax
Celius: Cee-lee-us
Crystal: Crys-tal
Deelah: Dee-lah (/di:lɑː/)
Gandrett Brayton: GAN-dret Bray-ton
Gordan Sterngrove: Gor-duhn Stern-grove
Hamyn: Ha-myn
Isylte Aphapia of Ilaton: Ees-ylt’ A-pha-pee-ah of Ee-lah-ton
Joshua: Jo-shoo-ah
Kepha: Keh-ffah
Kouyen: Koo-yen
Leonidas: Leh-oh-nee-duhs
Linniue: Lin-nuit (like French nuit – night)
Lyrrin: Lee-rynn
Mckenzie: Ma-ken-zee
Miitra: Mee’eetra
Muriel: Mu-ree-el
Nahir: Na-heer
Nehelon Alleyan Idresea: Ne-Heh-Lon Uh-ley-uhn I-dree-see-ah
Oriel: Oh-ree-el
Palvin: Pal-vynn
Raynar Leyon: Ray-nar Lay-on
Surel: Soo-rell
Taghi: Tuh-ghi
Tyrem: Ty-rem
Valyn: Vah-lynn
Wenja: Wen-iuh